New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction

New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction is the international, multidisciplinary book series of EARLI and is published by Routledge.

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The aim of the series is to present, to the scholarly community, high quality, theoretically-driven research in the areas of learning and instruction. Books that are published in the series are innovative, attempting to forge new conceptions of the field. Originality, scientific merit, and significance for the field are what guide the series. Both edited collections and sole-authored texts that meet these criteria are considered for publication. The focus is on European work, however, contributions from non-European researchers and non-members of EARLI are invited. The series is designed to appeal to a wide audience of researchers and post-graduate students in education and psychology.

Check out the introductory video below by editor-in-chief Isabel Raemdonck and former editor-in chief Mien Segers:

New Book in the EARLI Book Series


Teacher Professional Vision: Theoretical and Methodological Advances

Edited By Andreas Gegenfurtner, Rebekka Stahnke

Motivation and Emotion in Learning and Teaching across Educational Contexts brings together current theoretical and methodological perspectives as well as examples of empirical implementations from leading international researchers focusing on the context specificity and situatedness of their core theories in motivation and emotion.

The book is compiled of two main sections. Section I covers theoretical reflections and perspectives on the main theories on emotion and motivation in learning and teaching and their transferability across different educational contexts illustrated with empirical examples. Section II addresses the methodological reflections and perspectives on the methodology that is needed to address the complexity and context specificity of motivation and emotion. In addition to general reflections and perspectives regarding methodology, concrete empirical examples are provided. All cutting-edge chapters include current empirical studies on emotions and motivation in learning and teaching across different contexts (age groups, domains, countries, etc.) making them applicable and relevant to a wide range of contexts and settings.

This high-quality volume with contributions from leading international experts will be an essential resource for researchers, students and teacher trainers interested in the vital role that motivation and emotions can play in education.

Find out more and order your copy here.


Prospective authors of monographs and editors of thematic collections are invited to submit proposals to the Chair of the Editorial Board for consideration by the Board.

The procedure works in two phases:

1. Submitting a book proposal

2. Submitting an accepted manuscript

Guidelines for submitting a book proposal

Guidelines for submitting an accepted manuscript


Isabel Raemdonck

Prof. Dr. Isabel Raemdonck


Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Minkang Kim

Assoc. Prof. Minkang Kim


The University of Sydney, Australia.

Editorial Team

Editorial Board

David Gijbels
University of Antwerp, Belgium

Sanna Järvelä
University of Oulu, Finland

Margareta Limon
Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain

Karen Littleton
The Open University, UK

Wolff-Michael Roth
University of Victoria, Canada

Advisory Board

Costas Constantinou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Valéria Csépe
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Sibel Erduran
University of Bristol, UK

Sylvia Rojas-Drummond
UNAM, Mexico

Martin Valcke
Ghent University, Belgium

Lieven Verschaffel
University of Leuven, Belgium

Kate Wall
Newcastle University, UK

Marold Wosnitza
RWTH Aachen University, Germany