Different Media Education Approaches Predict Distinct Aspects of Digital Citizenship
T. Consoli

With Learning and Instruction, Educational Research Review and Frontline Learning Research, EARLI publishes some of the most influential educational publications in the field.
Our book series, New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction, offers a comprehensive overview of high quality, theoretically-driven and innovative research in the areas of learning and instruction.
Learning and Instruction (2023 Impact Factor - 4,7) is an international, multi-disciplinary journal for advanced high-quality research in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching. The journal welcomes several types of contributions: reports of original empirical investigations, and replications or extensions of important previous work. A preference, however, will be given to empirically-based studies. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches (quantitative as well as qualitative). They may relate to any age level - from infants to adults - and to a diversity of settings.
Educational Research Review (2023 Impact Factor - 9,6) is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach. This may include thematic or methodological reviews, or meta-analyses. The journal does not limit its scope to any age range. The journal invites articles on the broad range of settings in which people learn and are educated (school settings, corporate training, formal or informal settings, etc.). Empirical studies or theoretical contributions that do not include a critical review analysis are not accepted.
We are most happy to add another journal to our portfolio! The journal will be launched in summer 2025.
journal will offer opportunities to disseminate relevant research on
teaching and on learning, as evidenced through the experiences and
perspectives of key actors and participants. We welcome studies
originating from contexts across the lifecourse, ranging from formal
school settings, higher education, workplace settings, and informal
learning situations. The emphasis is on situated accounts of
individual, institutional, cultural, and societal dimensions of
learning. This may address the processes of teaching and learning, and
in particular, the relations, dynamics and temporality in such
Frontline Learning Research is an open-access electronic-only journal that publishes articles on issues and trends occurring internationally in research on learning and educational sciences. Among others, the journal focuses on articles in the following fields of research: Research on learning and instruction in formal and informal contexts, multidisciplinary research on learning and learning environments, new theoretical and methodological approaches in learning sciences, insights into learning research from disciplines other than educational sciences or psychology (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, computer science, philosophy, sociology).
New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction is the international, multidisciplinary book series of EARLI and is published by Routledge.
The aim of the series is to present, to the scholarly community, high quality, theoretically-driven research in the areas of learning and instruction. Books that are published in the series are innovative, attempting to forge new conceptions of the field. Originality, scientific merit, and significance for the field are what guide the series. Both edited collections and sole-authored texts that meet these criteria are considered for publication. The focus is on European work, however, contributions from non-European researchers and non-members of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction are invited. The series is designed to appeal to a wide audience of researchers and post-graduate students in education and psychology.
EARLI members regularly collaborate with the Lifelong Learning Platform resulting in the publication of an annual position paper, addressing key topics at the intersection of educational research and policy making.
T. Consoli
Andreas Gegenfurtner, Ingo Kollar
Rebekka Stahnke, Andreas Gegenfurtner
Andreas Gegenfurtner, Rebekka Stahnke