Dominik E. Froehlich
EFG Facilitator
University of Vienna, Austria
Mixed Methods Social Network Analysis in Learning and Instruction
This EFG was led by Dominik Froehlich and concluded in 2022.
Both mixed methods (MM) and social network analysis (SNA) are important trends in research about learning and instruction. Combining both in what we call mixed methods social network analysis (MMSNA) holds the promise of being exceptionally well suited to answer the complex questions of the field. While MM allows investigating phenomena through different lenses, SNA recognizes the interdependencies between people that moderate learning.
In 2018, we hosted the EARLI Advanced Study Colloquium (ASC) on SNA in learning and instruction. There, we also discussed MMSNA and subsequently published an edited volume (Froehlich, Rehm, et al., 2020), held several symposia, and gave workshops and mentoring to JURE members.
However, with the ASC we could only make first steps in developing MMSNA. Many questions need further exploration (Froehlich, Van Waes, et al., 2020). In the EFG, we will explore the methodology’s potential to address new research questions focused on the enduring challenges in learning and instruction; for example in the direction of longitudinal MMSNA, the design of relational interventions, MMSNA validity requirements, or teaching about MMSNA.
All these questions require thorough planning and are risky in so far that answers might not be found within the EFG. The EFG is exploratory, as we venture into a space that has received limited attention, although important foundations across disciplines exist (Crossley, 2010; Domínguez & Hollstein, 2014). The EFG takes an innovative approach in three respects:
EFG Facilitator
University of Vienna, Austria
Team Member
University of South Africa, South Africa
Team Member
Open University, UK
Team Member
University of Vienna, Austria
Team Member
UMC Utrecht, Netherlands
Team Member
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Team Member
UMC Utrecht, Netherlands
Team Member
University of Antwerp, Belgium / Swinburne University of Technology, Austria
Team Member
VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Team Member
Croatian Academic and Research Network, Croatia
Team Member
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Team Member
University of Regensburg, Germany
Team Member
UCLouvain, Belgium
Team Member
University of Education Weingarten, Germany
Team Member
University of Bern, Switzerland
Team Member
University of Antwerp, Belgium / Maastricht University, Netherlands
Team Member
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Team Member
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Team Member
Open University, UK