Every two years, members of the EARLI Executive Committee (EC) are elected by the EARLI membership. All members of EARLI can cast their vote for a President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer as well as four ordinary members.
The President of EARLI for 2023 (September) until 2025 (August) will be Professor Lucia Mason.
The EC of EARLI takes policy decisions and reports to the Members Meeting at each biennial conference. Every EC member is expected to take up the responsibilities for a specific portfolio.
We are now calling for candidates for the EARLI Executive Committee 2023 - 2025.
You can apply for the position of (1) Secretary-Treasurer, who is in charge of finances, (2) President-Elect, who will become the next EARLI president and manages the SIG and EFG portfolio or (3) ordinary EC member, where you are in charge of either JURE activities, publications, communication or E-CER and awards.
As an EC member you are expected to participate in two yearly meetings (taking place at the EARLI Office in Belgium) and to report the policy decisions to the annual General Assembly and Members' Meeting at each biennial conference.
If you are interested in applying for an EC position, please email a short biography (max. 200 words), a motivation statement (max. 200 words) and a photograph to info@earli.org. In your motivation statement, you should highlight what kind of future initiatives, improvements, strategic plans and policy decisions you envision for the EARLI association in the coming years. Your application also requires a short video statement of max. 1 minute in which you address key elements of your candidacy. Don't forget to mention if you want to apply for an ordinary EC position or one of President-Elect or Secretary-Treasurer.
Applications are welcomed until the 26th of May, 2023 (midnight CEST).