Happy to see you again! Welcome to the 2024 EARLI SIG 2 conference website and to Valencia – European green capital of the year – in the eastern coast of Spain!
Please note that we will constantly update and extend the information regarding the SIG 2 2024 conference over the course of the next months. So, stay tuned and make sure to check back for updates.
You can also follow us in our X account: @SIG2_EARLI
Joint Brown Bag Seminar with EARLI SIG 15 : "Print and Digital Struggling Readers"
Day and time: Tuesday, 27th February 2024, at 14 UK time / 15 CE(S)T / 16 EE(S)T)
The second joint Brown Bag Seminar will prepare you for the SIG conferences hosted in Valencia, Spain. The SIG 2 (Comprehension of Text and Graphics) and SIG 15 (Special Educational Needs) conferences overlap in September 2024. It will be an excellent opportunity for both SIGs’ members to meet the organisers before the conference.
In this SIG 15 Brown Bag Seminar, four top researchers will present and discuss their reading research with a focus on special educational needs: Øistein Anmarkrud from Oslo University; Eliane Segers from Radboud University; Jarkko Hautala from Niilo Mäki Institute & University of Jyväskylä, Lalo Salmeron from the University of Valencia.
Registration and link for the online seminar:
Organizers: Nadina, Erica, Kati and Inma (Coordinators of the SIG 15_Special Educatinal Needs)
You do not receive the SIG 2 newsletters? To make sure that you do not miss important information regarding SIG 2 activities and the 2024 conference, please sign up here (a sign-up form can be found at the bottom of this webpage).
Do you have questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us:
Please consult the following link to know more about the European green capital award to Valencia.
Comprehension of texts and graphics: from human to artificial intelligence
The EARLI SIG2 meeting in 2024 will come back to Valencia after 20 years. We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to reflect on how our conception of what it means to comprehend texts and graphics has evolved in the past two decades. The traditional view that our ability to comprehend texts and graphics is shaped mainly by our capabilities as humans is being challenged by the irruption of new technological scenarios and tools.
Sometimes these emergent contexts present some challenges for readers. Will humans be able to discern true information if the increasing digital pollution of fake news on the Internet escalates? Will it be necessary to integrate information from different sources -texts or graphics - when generative artificial intelligence could do it for us? Will leisure reading become an extravagance and be finally replaced by other media consumption?
Against this apocalyptic scenario, current research on text and graphics comprehension explores ways in which technology can be integrated into learning and instruction to boost students’ capabilities. While new literacy abilities must be learned to adapt to new technological scenarios, most of the aspects that constitute our ability to comprehend texts and graphics are still essential to understand our world.
We, therefore, invite all researchers to draw further attention to the changes the field of text and graphics comprehension has experienced in the last decades, with a look for a future in which comprehension remains a key component of what makes us human, following the theme: Comprehension of texts and graphics: from human to artificial intelligence.
The EARLI SIG2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics meeting will be held immediately after the EARLI SIG15 Special Educational Needs, which will also take place in Valencia. We would like to take this opportunity to strengthen links between both communities, and we plan to organize combined activities, such as joint symposiums or joint poster sessions, on topics such as struggling digital readers, multimedia to support comprehension of students with special needs, etc. Please contact the organizers if you would like to propose or to participate in such events.
Typical SIG 2 Topics
Please note that the conference theme and the mentioned topics are only meant to inspire submissions, but not to limit their scope. All proposals that address any question related to text and/or graphics comprehension are more than welcome!
Typical SIG 2 topics include learning from or testing with:
- Text reading
- Texts and pictures
- Graphical representations
- Comprehension assessment
- Multiple documents
- Hypermedia
- Search as learning
- Animations and videos
- Simulations and games
Please note that we welcome anyone who is interested in the topics related to SIG 2 and wants to get in touch, even if they have not (yet) conducted research in the field of text and graphics comprehension.
You are also very welcome to register for the conference without submitting a proposal. Feel free to join the conference to focus on interpersonal exchanges within the community and to listen to the presentations and keynotes. This also (and especially) applies to interested undergraduate and graduate students.
Jennifer Cromley
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Leveraging Network Analysis for Insights from Think Aloud and Eye Tracking Data
Carolien A.N. Knoop-van Campen (JURE Keynote)
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Call for Papers
The submission format will be the same for all three presentation types (see below). To keep the workload for both participants and reviewers at a lower level, we decided to reduce the allowed length for the submission proposals:
Proposals should be no longer than 600 words, plus a brief abstract that is no longer than 60 words. The word limitation for the proposal does not include references or tables/figures (up to two), which can be added in a pdf file attachment.
The brief abstract should highlight just the main idea or important results of the research. It will be printed in the conference program.
Please note: Both empirical and theoretical contributions are welcome!
For empirical contributions, the proposal should be written concisely and include a brief background and the motivation for the conducted research as well as sufficient information regarding the research questions, design, sample, methods, and (if already present) results with important conclusions. Of course, it will not be possible to include a comprehensive theoretical background for the work in the short proposals and this is not expected. Please focus on making sure that the added value and the quality of your own research stand out in the submission.
For theoretical contributions, the proposal should be written concisely and include a review of previous literature with diverse perspectives on a topic and build on existing work in the field. They can include a data section, or extend the current theory literature without including data. It should become clear what is original about the contribution and why it is important with respect to theory and/or practice. In addition, it should highlight how the contribution is relevant to the SIG 2 topics in particular and the implications of the contribution for theory and/or practice.
The conference will have three presentation formats that will allow participants to present work in different stages and also make room to discuss work in progress.
Please note that authors will be asked to indicate which of the three presentation formats they prefer during the submission process. The final decision on the presentation format will be made based on the review results and the fit of the proposed work to the scope of the SIG 2 conference.
1) Oral Paper Presentation
This is the standard format that gives participants the opportunity to present and discuss the results from recently completed research as well as work in progress but in the late stages. The paper proposals that receive the most favorable reviews and that fit well to the conference’s scope will be allocated 17-minute oral presentation format (13 minutes presentation and 4 minutes for questions and discussions).
2) Scientific Poster
The poster sessions will be of substantial length and scheduled at convenient times during the conference, making this a lively and interactive presentation format to present studies and make interpersonal connections. This format is perfectly suited to present new ideas or work in progress.
Please note that, for organizational reasons, the research blitz is no longer feasible. Instead, all the posters will be exhibited to allow for spontaneous discussions.
For the posters we recommend a maximum size of A0 (portrait or landscape format).
3) Symposia
Symposia present research on one topic or theme, providing a coherent set of papers for discussion. Symposium sessions consist of 3-4 oral paper presentations and the discussant’s contribution. For symposia, please submit an overarching abstract of 100-150 words describing the contents and purpose(s) of the symposium. Furthermore, please submit for each paper a short abstract of 60 words + extended summary of max. 600 words. Symposia are directed by a chairperson, who should be one of the presenters. In symposia, participants should come from at least two different countries. Please note that every participant must register individually.
Each paper will be allocated to the 17-minute oral presentation format (13 minutes presentation and 4 minutes questions), followed by a 20 minutes discussion. The Discussant is encouraged to prepare a short presentation (max. 10 minutes) to support their discussion, ensuring enough time for interaction with presenters and attendees.
Common aspects to all presenters
- Before presenting: Presenters can either use their own laptop or send their presentation (preferably in PDF format) to the organizers at before presenting.
- During presenting: Time allocation is of great importance. Each session chair will keep track of the time and will communicate the remaining time to the presenter to ensure a smooth and balanced session.
Please Note: Number of Submissions
You are welcome to submit more than one proposal for the conference! However, to ensure that many different researchers will have the chance to present their work, please note that if you submit several paper proposals as a first author, only one can be accepted as an oral presentation (the one that receives the highest review scores).
Additional proposals can be accepted as posters or located in symposia sessions.
The number of co-authored presentations is not limited. However, the first author is expected to be the presenting author and to be registered for the conference.
How to Submit Your Proposal
To submit a proposal, you will need an EARLI account. If you do not have an EARLI account yet, simply create one here – it’s free of charge.
The SIG 2 conference submission system will open on December 10th, 2023. And will be open until February 21st at 23h59 (UTC +1).
Note: All submissions should be completely anonymous to ensure a fair and blind review process. Therefore, please make sure that you do not include any names or institution names in your submission or in the attached pdf file.
Please adhere to the submission guidelines. Most importantly, make sure that your abstract is no longer than 60 words and the proposal (excluding references) is no longer than 600 words. If you wish to add references and tables/figures (up to two), you are invited to send them in a separate pdf file.
To submit your proposal via the EARLI system, please follow these steps:
- Log into the EARLI system.
- Go to “My submissions” and click on the right side on "+New Submission" (green button).
- Select the correct conference (SIG 2 Conference 2024) from the list and click on "+New Submission" on the right side.
- Fill in the form with the basic data for your proposal and click on "Save Draft" (green button).
- Then click on "Paper Info" in the upper list and fill in the three fields (Abstract, Summary, and Accepting Formats).
- Then go to "Paper Meta Data" (this only works if the previous fields have been filled in correctly) and enter the remaining information.
- Either click on "Save Draft" for intermediate saving or "Save & Submit" to finally submit your proposal.
Please note: For each submission, a presenting author is needed. If your proposal is accepted, the presenting author will need to register for the conference in order to schedule the proposal.
Important criteria for the review process will be:
For empirical contributions:
- Relevance for the domain of SIG 2 (text and graphics comprehension)
- Scientific quality of the research rationale and study design
- Clarity, coherence, and conciseness of the submission
- Significance for theory and practice
- Soundness of research methods and design
- Quality of (preliminary) analyses and conclusions
For theoretical contributions:
- Relevance for the domain of SIG 2 (text and graphics comprehension)
- Originality and quality of the research rationale
- Clarity, coherence, and conciseness of the submission
- Significance for theory (advancing the field) and practice
- Soundness of theoretical argumentation
- Quality of inferences
The reviewers will be asked to rate the respective criteria on a scale from 0–100%. However, if you are presenting work in progress, please clearly indicate the current state of the work and in which state you will be able to present the research to allow to consider this information in the review process.
Deadline for reviewers: The deadline for the reviews is 19th of March, 2024 at 23h59 (UTC +1). Reviewers can access to the submissions assigned through this link:
JURE Opportunities
1) Mentoring Program
All students who present their work at the conference are invited to participate in our JURE mentoring program. Please indicate your wish to participate in the JURE mentoring program when you submit your proposal for the conference. In this program, each student will receive constructive feedback on their work from one of the senior researchers at the conference.
2) Junior Researcher Awards
The best paper and the best poster presented by junior researchers will be selected by a jury at the conference. The winners will receive the award during the SIG 2 business meeting. To be eligible for an award, the first author must be an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the submission.
ERI Lectura Summer-School
Before the conference commences, from September 2nd to September 4th, the ERI Lectura team offers six workshops covering various topics. These workshops are directed to SIG2 and SIG15 participants, especially junior researchers.
For more information about topics, dates and registration fees, please, refer to the informative PDF (updated 19/04/2024):
Important Dates
Please consider the following important dates:
Submission System Opens
Deadline for Submissions at 23:59 (UTC +1)
Deadline for Reviews at 23:59 (UTC +1)
Notification of Review Decisions
Registration Opens
Deadline for Early Bird Registration
Registration Deadline for Presenters and products purchase
Pre-conference workshops
Pre-Conference Get-Together in Valencia
SIG 2 Conference in Valencia
Program overview
You can now download the program overview of the EARLI SIG2 Conference 2024! This document provides a general overview of the whole conference program. Last update: 03.09.2024
Conference program & abstracts
The conference program is now available, detailing the allocation of contributions to their respective sessions. Presenters are marked with an asterisk. You can also check the brief abstract of each contribution, organized chronologically according to the program.
Please note that this program is subject to change. Last update: 03.09.2024
Early Bird Registration (before June 10th)
- JURE Members*: 195 €
- EARLI Members*: 245 €
- Master & PhD Students (Non-Members): 235 €
- Regular (Non-Members): 325 €
Late Registration (after June 10th)
- JURE Members*: 235 €
- EARLI Members*: 295 €
- Master & PhD Students (Non-Members): 275 €
- Regular (Non-Members): 375 €
*Please check that your membership runs until the end of 2024 (EARLI membership runs from January 1st to December 31st)
Also, please take into account that members currently working in low GDP countries (consult the list of qualifying countries) will be provided a 50% discount on the registration fee.
Go to registration and payment platform
Manage your EARLI SIG2 Conference registration
Whether you need an invoice, want to download the tickets again, add products, or cancel your attendance, you can manage your EARLI SIG2 Conference registration from your ADEIT personal account. Here, you can find a guide on how to access your personal account and download the invoice or tickets.
Please, note that you can add products (Summer School workshops and Dinner ticket) even after completing your conference registration. You can do this from your personal account. Deadline for products purchase is July 26th.
Conference Date:
September 4th to 6th, 2024
Conference Venue:
Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Valencia
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3, 46001 Valencia
Travel and Hotel Recommendations:
You can check the Travel Guide which includes information about 1) How to travel to Valencia, 2) Where is the venue, 3) How to move around the city, and 4) List of hotels and special discounts for the conference participants!
Scientific committee
We thank our scientific committee for their cooperation:
Alexander Eitel, University of Giessen
Amelia Mañá, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Andrea Magyar, University of Szeged
Angelica Ronconi, University of Padova
Anita Habók, University of Szeged
Birgit Brucker, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien
Brian Hibbs, Dalton State College
Carita Kiili, Tampere University
Carolin Hahnel, Ruhr University Bochum
Catarina Liane Teixeira de Castro Araújo, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu
Christian Tarchi, University of Florence
Cornelia Schoor, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
Cristina Vargas Pecino, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Elena Xeni, University of Nicosia
Elise Swart, Leiden University
Emely Hoch, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien
Erica de Vries, Grenoble Alpes University
Eva Wennås Brante, Malmö University
Franck Amadieu, University of Toulouse
Helge I. Strømsø, University of Oslo
Irene Anna Diakidoy, University of Cyprus
Jarkko Hautala, University of Jyväskylä
Jean-Michel Boucheix, Université de Bourgogne
Johannes Naumann, University of Wuppertal
John Sabatini, The University of Memphis
Juliane Richter, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
Juliette Desiron, University of Fribourg
Kevin Ackermans, The Open University of the Netherlands
Ladislao Salmerón, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Laura Gil Pelluch, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Laure Léger, Paris Naterre University
Leonie Brummer, Utrecht University
Lidia Altamura García, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Lisa Bender, University of Freiburg
Lucia Mason, University of Padova
Manuela Glaser, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien
Marc Rodemer, University of Duisburg-Essen
Marc Stadtler, Ruhr University Bochum
Maria Pannatier, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
María Carmen Blanco-Gandía, University of Zaragoza
Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Marie-Christin Krebs, University of Gießen
Mario Romero, University of Valencia- ERI Lectura
Marlit Annalena Lindner, Kiel University
Mireille Bétrancourt, University of Geneva
Miriam Rivero-Contreras, University of Extramadura
Mônica Macedo-Rouet, CY Cergy Paris University
Nicolas Vibert, CNRS - University of Poitiers
Oriana Incognito, The IUL Telematic University
Pablo Delgado, University of Sevilla
Pamela Ramírez Peña, University of Concepcion
Sina Lenski, German Institute for Adult Education
Tim Kühl, Kiel University
Tina Seufert, Ulm University
Tino Endres, University of Freiburg
Tiphaine Colliot, University of Potiers
Véronique Drai-Zerbib, Bourgogne University
Ymkje Haverkamp, University of Oslo
Øistein Anmarkrud, University of Oslo
Organizing committee
Lalo Salmerón
SIG Coordinator & Local organizer - University of Valencia
Marlit Annalena Lindner
SIG Coordinator -IWM - Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Germany
Lidia Altamura
SIG JURE Coordinator & Local organizer - University of Valencia
Local committee
Laura Gil
Local organizer - University of Valencia
Amelia Mañá
Local organizer - University of Valencia
Mario Romero
Local organizer - University of Valencia
Cristina Vargas
Local organizer - University of Valencia
Conference Code of Conduct
Conference Code of Conduct
EARLI SIG2 2024 is dedicated to providing an enjoyable and safe conference experience for everyone. As a community, we value and respect all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, neurodiversity, disability, or any other aspect that, in fact, makes our community diverse and more inclusive.
Both the EARLI SIG2 2024 organisers and the University of Valencia will not tolerate vilification, abuse, or harassment in any form.
Consult our full code of conduct for the EARLI and the University of Valencia below.
EARLI Conference Code of Conduct (for attendees)
EARLI Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct (EARLI CoPEC)
In the unpleasant situation you feel unsafe or harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, contact our Safe Conference Care Team through the following ways:
- by email to the
- by email to the members of the Safe Conference Care Team: below
- by email to the
Safe Conference Care Team
Laura Gil
University of Valencia - Local organizer
Amelia Mañá
University of Valencia - Local organizer
Lidia Altamura
University of Valencia - JURE Coordinator and local organizer
If you have any questions regarding the 2024 SIG 2 conference or other topics related to SIG 2, please feel free to contact us
Social media: X account @SIG2_EARLI
We are grateful to the associations and institutions that offer their sponsorship to the 2024 SIG2 Conference in Valencia.
- SEPEX: Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental [Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology]
- GVA: Generalitat Valenciana - Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo [Education Regional Ministry, University and Employment]
- Universidad de Valencia - Facultad de Psicología y Logopedia [University of Valencia - Psychology and Speech Therapy Faculty]