
Mission Statement
The SIG 16 brings together researchers from the field of metacognition and self-regulated learning to investigate the power of metacognition and self-regulation for learning in many areas and examines the interplay between both. Many unresolved issues remain; therefore, SIG16 aims to understand the integrative framework of metacognition and self-regulated learning and provides a forum for discussing theoretical and empirical work, such as controversial issues related to them.
We want to contribute to the following:
- Provide scientific evidence on the importance of metacognition and self-regulated learning in its many forms
- Design learning environments for effective metacognitive and self-regulated learning
- Foster international collaborations, connecting researchers from metacognition and self-regulated learning to create a more significant impact
- Support early-career researchers
- Disseminate research findings for practitioners (e.g., teachers) and the society
Upcoming Activities
11th International Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG 16
- Date: 11.09-13.09.2024
- Pre-conference: 10.09-11.09.2024
- Place: Heidelberg (Germany)
- Chair: Silke Hertel
- Conference website: www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/sig16
Past Activities
EARLI SIG 16 Invited Symposium: A Look Into the Crystal Ball: Which Directions Should Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning Research Take?
Inspiring presentations were given by five distinguished speakers from our SIG 16 community.