Jennifer E. Symonds
EFG Facilitator
University College Dublin, Ireland
Integrated Model of Momentary Learning in Context (IMMoLIC)
This EFG is led by Jennifer E. Symonds and Ricardo Böheim.
The purpose of the emerging field group (EFG) is to construct a multidimensional model of how children learn in classrooms in momentary time. The model will integrate components of momentary learning studied in SIGs 3 (conceptual change), 8 (motivation and emotion), and 16 (metacognition). The problem is that earlier research considered each of these components separately and not as a dynamic construct in a real learning situation. The new integrated model will expedite the study of learning in complex real-world settings, to provide teachers with practical information on how to promote learning in classrooms.
Imagine a child sitting in a busy classroom, attempting to sort shapes of different colours and sizes with their classmates, as the teacher walks around the desks monitoring the children’s activity. This scenario can trigger many research questions. What are the components of momentary learning? How might learning occur as a dynamic system of momentary action, emotion, motivation, self-regulation, cognition, and social interaction? How do different academic tasks and classroom social processes influence momentary learning? How might teachers use this information to understand and promote sustained attention in the classroom?
Researchers from different SIGs are approaching these questions using various models and methods. Recently there has been limited integration across SIGs (for example, self-regulation of motivation). However, our assumption is that a faster advance can be made by the EFG, by having a diverse set of experts come together to unpack and reassemble observed learning processes. We can expect major progress, since most of the EFG members have not collaborated earlier, nor been able to integrate their expertise. This will require time and space for the EFG members to learn about and debate each other’s methodologies and identify useful synergies. The intended outcome of this collaboration is a multidimensional model of momentary learning that will have practical application in the classroom.
EFG Facilitator
University College Dublin, Ireland
EFG Facilitator
Technische Universität München, Germany
Team Member
University College Dublin, Ireland
Team Member
Goethe Universität, Germany
Team Member
UCL Institute of Education, UK
Team Member
Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Team Member
Swarthmore College, US
Team Member
Helsingfors Universitet, Finland
Team Member
UCL Institute of Education, UK
Team Member
University of Athens, Greece
Team Member
Universität Bern, Switzerland
Team Member
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Team Member
Oulun Yliopisto, Finland
Team Member
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China & University of Helsinki, Finland
Team Member
University of Augsburg, Germany
Team Member
University of Bern, Switzerland
Team Member
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom