Call for Bids - EARLI 2027

We are eagerly welcoming bids from potential EARLI 2027 conference hosts. We warmly encourage you to consider hosting the EARLI Biennial Conference, which offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase local facilities, hospitality and customs to an engaging, interested and warm community of international researchers.

With an estimated 2500 conference delegates, hosting the EARLI Biennial Conference offers a myriad of possibilities to both yourself and your institution. As a collaborative event, the EARLI Biennial Conference enables you to take up an active role within the EARLI community, while significantly increasing the visibility of your institution in Europe and beyond.

If you are interested in embarking on this endeavour, we encourage you to submit your bid via email to the EARLI Association Manager Lisa Vanhaeren by the 8th of March 2024.

More details, including a detailed checklist for potential conference locations, can be found here.