Learning and Instruction - Reviewer Mentoring Programme

Are you a junior researcher and a member of EARLI? Become a reviewer of Learning & Instruction. As an initiative of the Learning & Instruction Editorial team, in collaboration with EARLI as an exclusive member benefit, you are now invited to join a 1:1 peer review mentoring programme. In this programme, together with an experienced editorial board member of Learning & Instruction, you will write a review for the journal. Before you can start, you’ll be asked to take Elsevier’s certified Peer Reviewer Course, online, individually.

Elsevier Researcher Academy - Certified Peer Reviewer Course

The Certified Peer Reviewer Course has been developed with input from editors of leading journals and is designed to invest participants with the skills and confidence needed to accept a request to review.

You will get credits after passing the final test. Time investment is somewhat more than 4 hours. After that, you are eligible for the individual mentoring programme.


Send your application to Lore Verschakelen, EARLI Office, lore.verschakelen@earli.org. You will then receive further information about the procedure.

Check out the interview with mentee David Zamorano below as he shares what he learned from taking part in the programme: